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Apple Teacher

Apple Teacher

Regular price $22.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Ordering & Turn Around Time

All items are made to order.  Designs can still be placed on custom styles & color combos, but the turn around time may be longer and those orders must be placed through email communication. Please email to place a custom order.

Our turn around time is usually 10-14 business days. If we get backed up, an announcement will be shown at the top of our website. Please keep in mind that business days are Monday thru Friday not counting Federal Holidays.

For custom designs please email to start this communication.

Care Instructions

Shirt Care

  • Maker In The Mitten recommends washing all shirts inside out in cold water and to either hang dry or on tumble dry low (and remove quickly) to prevent lifting and cracking of the designs. We recommend NOT using any fabric softeners as it can cause damage to the designs. 
  • The screen printed shirts are safe to tie-dye and bleach after a screen has been adhered, but Maker In The Mitten is not responsible for any damage done to the shirt in the event of customer modifications. 

Tumbler Care

  • Although sublimated tumblers are heat resistant, a dishwasher's high temperatures and harsh detergents can damage or fade the design. For this reason, it's best tohand wash them with warm water and mild soap. After washing, allow them to air dry before using them to prevent fading.

Returns and Replacements


For custom orders, Maker in the Mitten has a strict no return policy unless your product shows up damaged from the shipping process. Each item is made to each order specification and no items are left in stock, ready to ship, unless listed in that specific category on our website. To receive a refund or exchange due to shipping damage, pictures of the damaged package and product must be sent to

If this does occur, please Contact Us with your order number and details about the product you would like to report damaged.


If Maker In The Mitten has made a mistake, did not catch an imperfection with the shirt or screen, or for some reason the screen is peeling or cracking prior to any washing, please email with pictures. We will create a replacement order and get it out to you ASAP.

Cancellations & Order Modifications

Maker In The Mitten processes orders within 3-5 business days, but in some cases may be sooner. If you need to cancel or modify an order, please do so within 24 hours of placing your order. 



  • We can ship to virtually any address in the world. However, if you are outside of the US and your address is not working, please don't hesitate to email and let us know where you need something shipped! 
  • Maker In The Mitten is located in a rural location, therefore Post Office times are limited. Shipments will only go out during the week as the local post office is not open on weekends and closes at 3:30pm on weekdays. Please allow up to 48 hours for movement to occur, especially around weekends. 
  • Shipping speed is based on which shipping option you choose at check out, but once a package leaves the Maker In The Mitten studio, we are no longer in control of the package. Lost or stolen packages must be reported through the appropriate shipping courier. Please keep in mind that during holiday seasons, shipping times can be impacted and that is out of our control. We do know that packages get stuck at the Tulsa USPS Hub for a day or two sometimes, especially during high shipping times. We recommend turning on text and email notifications.
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